1974 Honda CB 175 Twin Pictures
Honda CB 175 Twin, Th 1974, vehicle registration Living, BBKB there, still the way! (Treated)
Honda CB 175 Twin (exhaust 2) original paint, vehicle registration Living, BBKB there, still the way! (CONDITION TREATED)
Was sold to the same hobby was really old school bike
Price 25 million ... (nego ... so-so ...)
seriously interested, Contact: 08121980856
COD South Jakarta ...

Honda CB 175 Twin, Th 1974, STNK Hidup, BBKB - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, October 18, 2011, at 12:50 PM
Currently you are reading "Honda CB 175 Twin, Th 1974, STNK Hidup, BBKB - For Sale" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Time 12:50 PM, in category
Old Classic Motorcycles
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