Selling passenger neh ..
cb 100 years 73 (retro abis bro)
- Surat2 complete (plate D, but is now location in south Jakarta), 12 months tax, replace the plate is still December 2014.
- Ori engine (still platinum) tok cer. ga guaranteed regret.
- Head lamp & ori rear lights, front & rear shock ori, ori battery tank n lid.
- Smooth exhaust, alloy wheels also its size ori, tires still 90% good
- Electricity is still on (headlamps, rear left right n cents is still a flame)
- Padded seat for lift Malem weekly, heheheh
- Dipake malu2in boss will be invited ga .. hehehehe
scarce goods bro
7.5 cm jt (nego, but do not be cruel yes)
Takat (085921686201/021 80313154)
tel ye ato sms aja .. hehehe .. rarely ngenet
1975 Honda CB 100 Classic For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, November 16, 2010, at 8:12 PM
Currently you are reading "1975 Honda CB 100 Classic For Sale" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Time 8:12 PM, in category
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