Country of Origin: Italy
That is a Nuovo Falcone Civile (Civilian) which is the same model as mine. They were produced in limited quantities from 1971 to about 1974. I've seen mention made that Guzzi may have continued the white/red version as late as 1976. The red frame/white body was the standard color. In 1974 they made a limited number, only 74, of maroon bikes with different decals and chrome fenders like mine. From '74 to '76 my understanding is that production focussed on the Sahara model, a semi-military version in tan.
The Nuovo Falcone (new falcon) was a redesign of the original with a flat single cylinder 500cc engine. It has a top speed of about 85 mph. It didn't take off like its predecessor, with only 26 HP and 450 pounds, but it was used by every police department in Italy who appreciated its ability to carry extra weight — police gear, luggage, leg shieds, etc. The dark blue paint is the original Carabinieri, Italian Police, color. This one came with the leg shields, which was standard to the model, but they aren't mounted in these pictures. Many of the Guzzi bikes were named after birds, i.e., Falcone for falcon, Airone for Heron and Galetto for rooster.
1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 Specs :
Ingombri (lungh.×largh.×alt.) 2170 (2100) × 770 (800) × 1040 (1110) mm
Altezze Sella: 750 mm - Minima da terra: 150 mm
Interasse: 1450 mm Massa a vuoto: 214 kg Serbatoio: 18 litri
Tipo motore: monocilindrico orizzontale quattro tempi Raffreddamento: ad aria
Cilindrata 499 cm³ (Alesaggio 88 x Corsa 82 mm)
Distribuzione: aste e bilancieri Alimentazione: benzina normale
Potenza: 26,2 CV a 4800 giri/min Coppia: Rapporto di compressione: 6,85:1
Frizione: a dischi multipli in bagno d'olio Cambio: 4 marce a pedale, comando sulla destra
Accensione a dinamo-ruttore-batteria
Trasmissione primaria a ingranaggi elicoidali, secondaria a catena
Avviamento a pedale e elettrico
Telaio doppia culla chiusa
Sospensioni Anteriore: forcella teleidraulica / Posteriore: forcellone oscillante con due ammortizzatori teleidraulici regolabili
Freni Anteriore: a tamburo ø 200 mm / Posteriore: a tamburo ø 200 mm
Pneumatici 3.50-18" anteriormente e posteriormente
Prestazioni dichiarate
Velocità massima 127 (oltre 140) km/h
1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500
Reviewed by Unknown On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, at 1:09 AM
Currently you are reading "1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500" by Unknown on the day Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Time 1:09 AM, in category Moto Guzzi . You may disseminate articles 1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of 1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.
Currently you are reading "1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500" by Unknown on the day Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Time 1:09 AM, in category Moto Guzzi . You may disseminate articles 1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of 1970 Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.