Honda CB 200 Modif Brat Style Chopper Pictures

Honda CB 200 Modif Brat Style Chopper
Honda CB 200 Modif Brat Style Chopper -- In the middle of the two-wheeled trends modification that leads to the old school style of the Japanese motor aka Jap's Style, Yudha Danuwardhana seem to want to break that trend and modifying his Honda CB 200 with the flow Brat Style. Yudha first step to realizing that his intention was to cut his own chassis for mounting CB 200 CB according to the style of the modifications he wanted. After that Yudha replace it with a steel pipe.

Honda CB 200 Modif Brat Style Chopper To my shock wore a 250cc Kawasaki KH, handlebar also wore a Kawasaki 250 choppernya out that impression. After that, in order to force more obvious Brat, Yudha also dabbled in some models of the tank until the tank elected Honda CG 125 for a container of gasoline bike.
Although the whole engine remains standard with CB 200, Yudha playing with other elements such as by using Honda's carburetor 90 and the coil's Mitsubishi Eterna to make the bike so powerful.

Honda CB 200 Modif Brat Style Chopper
Reviewed by Unknown On Saturday, February 25, 2012, at 10:52 AM
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