Harley Davidson BUELL 1203cc Lightning Engine Pictures

Harley Davidson BUELL 1203cc Lightning Engine
Harley Davidson Buell 1203cc Ligktning Enggine
Item Condition: Used
Price: Rp. 105 million
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
Harley Davidson Buell Thunderbolt 1203cc Ligktning Enggine Full Original Racing Spec Performance by DAYTONA
Goods Simpenan Very Special

Harley Davidson BUELL 1203cc Lightning Engine
#) Buell 1203cc Ligktning Enggine Series 96/97/98
#) PM Hand Control with Brembo 6 Piston Break
#) Original Chrome is very well maintained There's no oil dripping
#) Rear Body Can Custom Removable and similar without Changing the original holder
#) Original Spec Udah combat-ready type of racing in all fields, Very Fast Special edition by Daytona Racing, Mau GassTrack same Spotser who XR1200 although 2012 is also ready to combat sama2 guaranteed standards can not pursue
#) Handling is very comfortable both on Full Speed and Low Speed and Minimal Vibration on Harley-class fellow in Ancient
#) One homebrewed Inspiration from a very affecting Daytona Harley Davidson Product of V Road, All Handle Exactly the same V-Motor Road and it's newly manufactured long before the V-Road Exit
#) When Agan Chooper also want to make living easy Chooper Buy Lights, Change or a custom bit Triple Front Clip, Replace Rear Wheel Size for Frame Mounting the chassis is very supportive and who was the Progressive shock absorber, please compare with Frame and seat XR1200
#) If not Create Concept Street Fighter is also very Supports, Just Choose a Style antecedent like, Street Fighter or Chooper But still Gahar aka Sound Road monster's name wonder who made Harley Davidson Product, the sound remains Bledag Bleduk Typical features of American Vehicle Products
#) Letter Letter Only vehicle registration ONLY
PRICE, £ 105 million, -
(Five Hundred Million Rupiah) THIN nego, No Afgan, The Negotiable Assume Help Hardware ane Sundul Aja
Interested Yg Can Do For The Best Deals, Items Can Check In Anytime Place in Bintaro Sector 7 - DKI Jakarta - INDONESIA
PH: +6281558037733 (AGUS)
Or PIN: 286130A9
Or Email: autobalicustom@yahoo.com
Or YM: autobalicustom@yahoo.com
Harley Davidson BUELL 1203cc Lightning Engine - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Wednesday, January 11, 2012, at 12:38 AM
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