Old Classic Motorcycles BMW R25/3 1954

For Sale BMW R25 th. 1955
- The original congenital mtr Letter (live tax plt H)
- New ed
- New Tires
- The new tax (mths Dec)
- The machine is already in unloading the total
- Ignition pake platinum japan
- Minus the rear rubber tengki sma Footstep
Are not ori
- Glass headlights
- + Stang handle
- Gloves seat
- Exhaust Bandung
- Mika stoplam
Price Rp. 45jt (P. address sampe Java)
Hub. Toni 081 5697 1480

Vintage Bikes 1954 BMW R25/3
With the 1953-to-1956 R25/3, BMW updated the 250cc OHV single with a new hydraulic fork, a gas tank that was flatter and longer, with the tool box moved to the side, and different wheels and hubs. Rims were changed from steel to alloy, and shrank to 18” from 19”. Engine configuration specifications changed slightly. The compression ratio went from 6.5:1 to 7.0:1, and power was increased from 12 HP to 13 HP.

The R25/3 was a very popular BMW motorcycle. There were 47,700 were sold over three years, compared to 12,020 R24s, 23,400 R25s, and 38,651 R25/2s.
1954 BMW R25/3 - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Thursday, January 19, 2012, at 12:05 AM
Currently you are reading "1954 BMW R25/3 - For Sale" by Unknown on the day Thursday, January 19, 2012 Time 12:05 AM, in category
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