1998 Honda Grand Pictures

1998 Honda Grand - Classic For Sale

Grand 98 1.12 Tax Jaktim
Item Condition: Used
Price: Rp. 2.7 million
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
I Want to Sell motorcycle grand 98 th since the tax-life team 01/12 mths
th2014 number plates "
full body smoother engine ..
Tax Rawamangun / Jak-team
Printed in Depok ... Margonda
SMS wrote if not liad / bargaining to 021-98943440
Nett prices
1998 Honda Grand - Classic For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, December 6, 2011, at 1:19 AM
Currently you are reading "1998 Honda Grand - Classic For Sale" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, December 6, 2011 Time 1:19 AM, in category
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