2007 Yamaha Vixion Pictures

Sell Vixion '07 Smooth Kept 13jt
Item Condition: New
Price: Rp. 13
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
Gan permissions, open the stall ..
Immediately wrote Vixion selling motor 07 Red maroon. with spect:
1. Smooth motor Kept
2. Establishments plate, vehicle registration tax & BPKB length.
3. No IRC Tublesssss bald tires ..
4. KM 38 + + + (not + others).
5. Yamaha ORI Mesinn not use rickshaws.
Price = 13.999.999jt Negotiable (No No Afghan rosa)
Want to more clearly direct to the place gan ..
More clearly Cijantung CP ANE.
CP: Ario (08161635953)
2007 Yamaha Vixion - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Saturday, October 29, 2011, at 12:30 AM
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