1969 Honda CB125 Twin Pictures
Honda CB125 Twin 1969
Goods Condition: Used
Price: Rp. 18.000.000
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
gan Momod and Admin passengers shanties yes
sold at a very relaxed and expensive
Motorcycle: Honda CB125 Twin Th: 1969
Letter: Kumplit n straight, late July 2010 tax, vehicle registration 2012
Yang Gak ori: Silincer exhaust, Kempol + emblem 125nya.
the rest all ori, klu do not believe it could check the motor directly to the house
conditions behind the front tire was fine.
for the rest later as he ups heheheee ....
offered at a price: Rp. 18 Million
negolah but certainly aluz, sorry klu expensive coz not cheap goods heheehe ....
aja klu proposed here offers match later in the call ....
klu not in hubungin bearti not fit .. hehehehe ..
sory photo also cuman one, deliberately let curious ....
klu would more clearly came home aja liat bike while ngobrol2 ....
FR: Armand :021-99188077, YM: Armand_jeen@yahoo.com
thanx to all .....
Honda CB125 Twin 1969 - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Saturday, March 5, 2011, at 11:24 PM
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