1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy modif Jap Style. Here is a Binter Merzy KZ200 already in full modif crome for sale by owner is bro Monchi. For specification and modification of data please refer to the following post, for more details you can sms or telephone directly to the owner 1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy modif Jap Style - For sale.
Here is a photo and image 1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy modif Jap Style - For sale :
1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy Pictures

1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy Jap Style
1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy modif Jap Style - For sale
Item Condition: New
Price: Rp. 18
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
motor is S O L D
Excuse pakde Admin
Ane open stalls again ya ..
Ane Binter Merzy want to sell pet.
81 years already changed the CDI.
Kawasaki tank trail
Ducati speedometer lamp shell 62 +
Surat2 complete and alive.
Gas engines stay nice ..
Starter tokcer hand ..
Net price of Rp. 12.5 million
Interest contact: 0815.10.11111.2 - 0219181111.2
Thanks for all.
1981 Kawasaki Binter Merzy modif Jap Style - For sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Sunday, April 1, 2012, at 12:58 AM
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