1974 Honda 90Z - Here is a Old classic motorcycles will be sold by the owner, 1974 Honda 90Z - For Sale. Faithfully accompanied me every step you take, I most firmly support your body weight, I most steadfast if you do not need me, No matter kuterjatuh, upside down, or thrown into the gutter behind, Because I was the ride of your life 1974 Honda 90Z.
1974 Honda 90Z Motorcycles in the city of Bandung but the license plate (B) Jakarta, vehicle registration BPKB PLAT B. Carburetor replaced the better, the price of Rp. 3.3 Million, to contact the seller please contact the following numbers 085295921323.
And to see the state of the 1974 Honda 90Z bike you can see the picture below, what if interest please contact the number above.

1974 Honda 90Z Pictures

1974 Honda 90Z Old Classic Motorcycles
Such posting about the old motor Honda 90Z. For those of you who want to buy another bike please go on this blog with the title Norton Commando 850 - For Sale.
1974 Honda 90Z - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at 12:43 AM
Currently you are reading "1974 Honda 90Z - For Sale" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Time 12:43 AM, in category
Old Classic Motorcycles
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