1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer Pictures

1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer
1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer for sale
honda cb 100 ss yellow cafe racer
Item Condition: New
Price: Rp. 6.5 million
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
ya want to sell antique motor
honda cb 100 ss
in 1972
BPKB letter and any vehicle registration
healthy machine
interest call 085719696601
pin bb = 21b1f934

1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer
1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer - For Sale
Reviewed by Unknown On Sunday, December 25, 2011, at 12:27 AM
Currently you are reading "1972 Honda CB-100 SS Yellow Cafe Racer - For Sale" by Unknown on the day Sunday, December 25, 2011 Time 12:27 AM, in category
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