Do you Want to get dirty? Finding a bike that can travel the roads of snow did not like the others? Look no further.
2010 Ural Patrol-T, motorcycle patrol, sidecar, ural, wheel, wheel drive, wheel tractions
In a class by itself, T-motorcycle patrol is the only one in the world made with sidecar drive on demand. This legal road vehicle gives you the ability to switch between single-wheel traction engines and two-wheel drive with amazing flip of lever!
MSRP: $12,399 USD
MSRP: $12,399 USD
2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, August 3, 2010, at 11:15 AM
Currently you are reading "2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, August 3, 2010 Time 11:15 AM, in category Classic, Ural . You may disseminate articles 2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of 2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.
Currently you are reading "2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, August 3, 2010 Time 11:15 AM, in category Classic, Ural . You may disseminate articles 2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of 2010 Ural Patrol-T Specifications and Picstures on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.