We never knew that the Batmobile also came in limousine form - obviously neither does Batman or the creators of the fictional character but that's beside the point. The limo is inspired from the Batmobile that was featured in the 1989 and 1992 Batman films directed by Tim Burton. You can see more pictures of the BatLimo as well as a video that we discovered on Youtube after the jump.
Via: Autogespot and Chickslovethecar
Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride
Reviewed by Unknown On Friday, January 15, 2010, at 1:31 PM
Currently you are reading "Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride" by Unknown on the day Friday, January 15, 2010 Time 1:31 PM, in category Articles, Classic . You may disseminate articles Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.
Currently you are reading "Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride" by Unknown on the day Friday, January 15, 2010 Time 1:31 PM, in category Articles, Classic . You may disseminate articles Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of Alfred, to the Bat...Limo: Bruce Wayne's Alternative Ride on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.