Mike, who also works on Carrera GT replica bodies for the Porsche Boxster, claims on his website that buyers can opt either for an Aveo or a Boxster donor car. Somehow though, we find it hard to believe that anyone would give up a Porsche, no matter how many thousands of time they've seen Captain Kirk and Spock fighting off intruders from other planets.
This car is available now on eBay for cool $86,000.
Other pictures of Chevrolet Aveo or Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle.
Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look
Reviewed by Unknown On Tuesday, November 17, 2009, at 10:26 AM
Currently you are reading "Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Time 10:26 AM, in category Chevrolet . You may disseminate articles Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.
Currently you are reading "Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look" by Unknown on the day Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Time 10:26 AM, in category Chevrolet . You may disseminate articles Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look These sources include a link from this website. Hopefully the product of Chevrolet Aveo on Extra-Terrestrial Vehicle Look on the website Classic Motorcycles available on this website can be useful for everything.